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  • Writer's pictureHunger-Free Pennsylvania

2014-2015 General Fund Budget Passage

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2014-2015 General Fund Budget Passage

On Thursday, July 10, Gov. Tom Corbett finally signed the 2014-15 General Fund budget and accompanying appropriations bills. The legislature sent him the budget on June 30; the governor waited to sign it until today, hoping in the meantime that the legislature would take action on key issues he identified as priorities. On the last day to act before the budget became law without his signature, he enacted it while also exercising his line-item veto power. He vetoed $65 million in legislative spending and $7.2 million in legislative surplus spending. He also announced that he will be providing additional information “shortly” --- likely asking for a special session for pension reform. The House and Senate are both adjourned until Sept. 15, unless the House Speaker or Senate President call their respective chambers back to work.

How This Affects Our Members

For Hunger-Free Pennsylvania, this budget holds the line on funding for the State Food Purchase Program at $17.438 million. We are disappointed that both the General Assembly and Governor have ignored our calls --- and the calls of so many of you and your supporters --- for an increase in SFPP to help Pennsylvanians who are hungry.

Our Hunger Champions

Despite our disappointment in the end result, we would like to offer our sincere gratitude to the legislators who did read our letters, talk to us on the phone and listen to our stories of the harsh reality of hunger facing our Commonwealth. They took the time to understand the need and that the need is growing. Over 50 of our legislators took their support a step further and wrote leadership to ask for an increase to the State Food Purchase program demonstrating that their constituent’s needs are a priority. Please join us in thanking these legislators. You can view all of them and thank them on Facebook here.

Thank You

Like SFPP, most social service programs in the budget were held at last year’s levels as lawmakers sought to craft an election-year budget that didn’t raise revenues despite a growing projected shortfall that could top $2 billion next year. It’s clear, based on recent actions surrounding enactment of the current budget, that the situation in Harrisburg remains tense and in flux.

We will continue to do all we can to keep you posted and to keep fighting for SFPP. Thank you for your efforts. We know that Pennsylvania’s food-insecure families, seniors and children appreciate you fighting for them.

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