HARRISBURG, Pa. (April 4, 2024) --- Pennsylvanians face more barriers than ever to accessing enough nutritious food, and the impact of hunger on communities is enormous. The “Ending Hunger in PA Checklist” offers public policy solutions for the state’s overburdened charitable food network.
The Pennsylvania Hunger Action Coalition — which comprises dozens of anti-hunger, religious, anti-poverty, socio-economic, and other nonprofit organizations working not only to fight hunger but also to address the underlying root causes that perpetuate food insecurity — will take over the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg at 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 9 to discuss the checklist and what the state can do to help address these challenges.
WHAT: Pennsylvania Hunger Action Coalition outlines its 2024-25 legislative priorities
WHO: PHAC Members
PA Hunger Caucus Co-Chairs - Sen. Elder Vogel and Rep. Emily Kinkead
School Nutrition Association of PA (SNAPA)
Central PA Food Bank
Chester County Food Bank
WHEN: 10 a.m. Tuesday, April 9
WHERE: Main Capitol Rotunda, State Capitol Complex, Harrisburg, Pa.
MEDIA CONTACT: Rebecca Patterson
e: rebecca@ceislermedia.com | m: 717.975.7430
The Pennsylvania Hunger Action Coalition (PHAC) comprises anti-hunger, religious, anti-poverty, economic, and other nonprofit groups working not only to fight hunger but also to address the underlying policy issues that perpetuate food insecurity.
Visit hungerfreepa.org/our-work to learn more.
PHAC Members Include:
Allies for Children*Benefits Data Trust*Brandywine Health Foundation*Bucks County Opportunity Council*Bucks County Women Advocacy Coalition*Cambria County Backpack Program*Ceisler Media & Issue Advocacy*Center for Hunger-Free Communities*Center for Population Health*Central PA Food Bank*Chester County Community Foundation*Children Hunger Outreach Partners*Coalition for Low Income Pennsylvanians*Community Action Agency of Delaware County*Community Action Association of PA*Community Legal Services*Community Partnership, Inc.*Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission*Family Health Council of Central PA*Family Health Council of Central PA*Fayette County Community Action Agency*Feeding Pennsylvania*Food for Families*Food Helpers*FRAC*Franklin County*Gateway Health Plan*Great Valley School District*Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank*Health Care Decisions*Healthy Blair County Coalition*Helping Harvest*Hillman Family Foundation*Housing Alliance of PA*Hunger-Free PA*Hunters Sharing the Harvest*Indiana County Community Action Program*Jewish Family Services of Greater Harrisburg, Inc.*Jewish Healthcare Foundation*Just Harvest*Lebanon Valley College*Lehigh Valley Food Policy Council*Lutheran Advocacy Ministries in PA*Manna on Main Street*Mercer County Food Bank*Milk4U*MontCo Anti-Hunger Solutions*Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services*North Penn School District*PA Budget & Policy Center*PA Cancel Lunch Debt Coalition*PA Catholic Conference*PA Dept of Aging*PA Dept of Agriculture*PA Dept of Education*PA Dept of Health*PA Dept of Human Services*PA Food Merchants Association*PA Food Policy Council*PA Health Funders Collaborative*PA Jewish Council*PA Partnership*PA State Council of Farm Organizations*PA State Educators Association*Partnership for Better Health*Penn State University*People’s Emergency Center*Philabundance*Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger*Philadelphia Department of Health*Philadelphia Office of Children & Families*Philadelphia School District*Phoenixville Area Community Services*Phoenixville Community Health Foundation*Pittsburgh Policy Council*Pottstown Foundation*School Nutrition Association of PA*Share Food Program*Share Our Strength*SHFB of Lehigh Valley & NE PA*SHFB of Northwest PA*Shippensburg University*The Food Trust*The Foundation for Delaware County*The Leo & Peggy Pierce Family Foundation*The Shippensburg Community Resource Coalition*Thomas Jefferson University*United Way of PA*University of PA College of Arts & Science*Weinberg NE PA Regional Food Bank*Westmoreland County Food Bank*York County Food Bank.